Joes' World
This is where i'll be showing all of my uploads to Wincustomize.

Wondering if any techies here see anything wrong with the build

Dec 17, 2009 6:06 AM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

the systems comes up to $1490.95 - COOLER MASTER HAF 932 RC-932-KKN1-GP Black Steel ATX Full Tower Computer Case - Computer Cases - Intel Core i7-920 Bloomfield 2.66GHz 4 x 256KB L2 Cache 8MB L3 Cache LGA 1366 130W Quad-Core Processor - Processors - Desktops - Western Digital Caviar Blue WD6400AAKS 640GB 7200 RPM 16MB Cache SATA 3.0Gb/s 3.5" Internal Hard Drive -Bare Drive - ASUS P6T6 WS Revolution with NF200 3xPCIe true x16 LGA 1366 Intel X58 ATX Intel Motherboard - Intel Motherboards - MSI N9800GT-MD1G GeForce 9800 GT 1GB 256-bit GDDR3 PCI Express 2.0 x16 HDCP Ready SLI Supported Video Card - Desktop Graphics / Video Cards - M-AUDIO MobilePre USB 16-bit 48KHz USB Interface USB Bus-Powered Preamp and Audio Interface - Sound Cards - OKGEAR 6 ft. HDMI cable ,male to male ,black Model GC6HDMI1 - Cables - IOGEAR GHDMIS3 3-Port HDMI Switch with Remote - Ideazon MERC Black USB Wired Ergonomic Keyboard, GM-200 Mouse and Headset Gaming Pack - Keyboards - COOLER MASTER SLC-S41-U1 Copper Fan & Heatsinks - Memory & Chipset Cooling - Patriot G Series ‘Sector 5’ Edition 4GB (2 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1333 (PC3 10666) Desktop Memory Model PGV34G1333ELK - Desktop Memory - CORSAIR CMPSU-750TX 750W ATX12V / EPS12V SLI Ready CrossFire Ready 80 PLUS Certified Active PFC Compatible with Core i7 Power Supply - Power Supplies

if anybody sees any issues with the build please say so...this is my first time building a pc. im doing it cause im tired of getting ripped on systems that are pre-built pieces of crap. this way i can get my monies worth this time. having this sytem built by someone else would cost me $3000.00

i dont play games too much but i like to sometimes...mostly ill be using the systems for music production and graphic arts

Thanx in advance for your expertise
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Jun 11, 2009 8:36 PM by Discussion: OS Customization

skinning is like giving birth -- sometimes the kid you get is everything you'd hoped for and the birth is easy -- sometimes you have a real hard labor and give birth to a fucked up kid -- sometimes you have to abort before it even gets formed all the way -- sometimes you birth them, and have to let them incubate for a while, until they fully "hatch"[e digicons]:grin:[/e] [e digicons]:grin:[/e] [e digicons]:grin:[/e]

i was getting mad at sks6 today and ranting to a good friend and they told me true

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Jun 6, 2009 6:14 PM by Discussion: WindowBlinds

is this real? im looking in my impulse and i see wb 7 for download....though it says i have to have a registration...if i do have to have a reg there beta testing going on now...if so what do i have to do to get in? OR is impulse a dirty stinking teaser? lol...tell me whats the dealio? i got all excited for a sec.[e digicons]:grin:[/e] [e digicons]:grin:[/e] [e digicons]:grin:[/e]

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As a long time time fan i am dissapointed

Apr 13, 2009 7:27 PM by Discussion: Skinning

as a long time fan of the great Z71 and all his skins...i am dissapointed with this one...LIGHT MARK...i am a skinner myself and i tend to nitpick my own skins to death. im not claiming to be a great skinner by any means i am however claiming to have an eye for detail and i just wanted to ask or to see if anyone else with the new skin "LIGHT MARK has seen the same things as i have[e digicons]



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Apr 13, 2009 5:21 PM by Discussion: Customization Software

i was just wondering if there were any plans to try to implement or make a small program that changes the windows animation before windows starts up?...i see that tune up utilities does thios...i wonder if stardock has thought of trying this?[e digicons]:-"[/e]

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could someone on here please offer some guidance in making a bootable image with magic iso or any like program please...i dont want to use nero...i have a copy of my vista os disc...just the files....i want to put those files into an image file AS I ALREADY DID and burn them to dvd and have it pop up before booting the original O/S...i have went through 8 dvd's trying to figure this out with no luck at all. i did this once before but the disc i burnt before is MIA so i need to make a new bootable image...please help im in dire need of a reformatt[e digicons]X([/e]

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WMP 11 in vista

Nov 13, 2008 10:43 PM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

Does anybody know a solution to the problem of the screensaver coming on while playing a DVD or audio file in windows media player 11....i have scoured the internet for hours searching for a solution with no avail except: turn off the screensaver.

 i dont want to turn off the screensaver cause i like what i have. does anybody know of a fix or a solution to this problem...if so PRETTY PLEASE HELP driving me insane  to have it come on every 20 mins while in the middle of a movie.

Again...i dont want to turn off the should work...and yes i tried the options and setting it to "not allow while in playback"...but that doesn't work....please help!!!!! someone!!!...i will pay!!!

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Hey there everyone. I just wanted to post this about a new program i saw a video of today. This program is off the chain and i was thinking: "What if you could skin it too...maybe stardock could join forces with the company?" Who know's. Anyhow i was also just looking to see how many people have seen it before and what people thought about it.                  Thanx, Joe



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Sorry for troubling you

May 9, 2007 9:41 AM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
i was wondering if anyone here has adobe photoshop CS3 and if you do, do you have the problem i have with closing out a project. my project that i was working on wouldn't close for me unless i closed photoshop completely. Please help if you can and thanx in advance.
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startmenu logon background....and buttons ect...



this is what i am trying to do at the moment without success....


i am putting the logg on buttons where "startmenulogonbutton' is...and im replacing the actual startpanellogonbuttons with just a blank cut a long story short, im doing what heir of slytherin did with his skin 'slytherin house'  so there is no highlight when you mouse over the start panel logg on buttons......


I "borrowed" his measurements for these items, including the glyph....but for some reason, they are just not working on my skin.......they do in skin studio. LOL but just not when its applied through wb.  i get just a white square over the logg on buttons...I can just see my buttons edge behind the white square...  I believe I have done everything correctly...I have the frame count correct also...the files are the right ones....i believe ive checked and ticked everything im supposed to....ive even restarted my pc just to be sure..

I even went as far as to use heir of slytherin's buttons and glyphs ect on my skin just to try them out to see if that worked....still didnt.....


im still just getting this white square where everything is supposed to be..........grrrr if someone could help me.....that would be just grand...



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